Community development grants
As a community bank, we're committed to helping grow and improve our communities across Louisiana. Along with the thousands of hours volunteered by employees, we offer community development grants to make a lasting difference.
How our grants work
For maximum impact in low- to moderate-income areas, we partner with our communities’ public and non-profit institutions. A central goal behind these partnerships is meeting the credit and deposit needs of our assessment area.
Does your activity or initiative qualify?
In order to qualify for a community development grant, your activity or initiative must:
- Support affordable housing for low- and moderate-income (LMI) individuals (including multifamily rental housing); or
- Target community services to low- to moderate-income individuals; or
- Promote economic development activities for small business; or
- Revitalize or stabilize low- to moderate-income geographies, designated disaster areas, or distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle- income; or
- Support, enable or facilitate projects or activities that are a part of a Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP).
Giving criteria
Organizations must meet the following criteria:
- Is a public organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
- Is located within the Red River Bank Assessment Area
- Does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national origin
Areas in which we generally can not contribute
As a general rule, Red River Bank does not contribute to the following:
- Political groups or programs
- Lobbying or Advocacy groups
- Private foundations
- Labor organizations
- Third-party fundraising organizations
- Capital campaigns, or equipment
- Individuals
- For profit organizations
- Fraternal organizations
How to submit a grant application
All requests must be submitted in writing or by downloading and completing the Grant Application Form (pdf). Please allow three to six weeks for Red River Bank to process your application. The person who submits the sponsorship request will be notified via email if approved.
Mail completed application to:
Red River Bank
Attn: Community Relations/CRA Officer
P.O. Box 12550
Alexandria, LA 71315-2550Or email application to: