Community development grants
As a community bank, we're committed to helping grow and improve our communities across Louisiana. Along with the thousands of hours volunteered by employees, we offer community development grants to make a lasting difference.
How our grants work
For maximum impact in low- to moderate-income areas, we partner with our communities’ public and non-profit institutions. A central goal behind these partnerships is meeting the credit and deposit needs of our assessment area.
Does your activity or initiative qualify?
In order to qualify for a community development grant, your activity or initiative must:
- Support affordable housing for low- and moderate-income (LMI) individuals (including multifamily rental housing); or
- Target community services to low- to moderate-income individuals; or
- Promote economic development activities for small business; or
- Revitalize or stabilize low- to moderate-income geographies, designated disaster areas, or distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle- income; or
- Support, enable or facilitate projects or activities that are a part of a Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP).
Giving criteria
Organizations must meet the following criteria:
- Is a public organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
- Is located within the Red River Bank Assessment Area
- Does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national origin
Areas in which we generally can not contribute
As a general rule, Red River Bank does not contribute to the following:
- Political groups or programs
- Lobbying or Advocacy groups
- Private foundations
- Labor organizations
- Third-party fundraising organizations
- Capital campaigns, or equipment
- Individuals
- For profit organizations
- Fraternal organizations