RRBU financial education
RRBU is Red River Bank University, a series of opportunities for anyone in the community to become more financially empowered. Attend free Seminars and Credit Clinics. Take RRBU courses online. Or get in touch and we'll come to your business, school or organization.
Check out upcoming seminars
One of the most valuable things the Red River Bank University team has to offer is financial experience. Through Red River Bank University, or RRBU, we're giving it all away—years of financial wisdom on topics ranging from identity theft to first-time home-buying.
Financial-education seminars are offered at our banking centers and other convenient locations, as well as via Zoom. Participants also have the opportunity to sign up for an individual credit review. Certified lenders hold these reviews one-on-one and help create a personalized plan to improve your credit score. Pre-registration is required for one-on-one sessions.
See below for a list of seminar topics and information on how to register.
Seminar Topics
Check out the topics offered by RRBU.
See all dates and topics for upcoming events and register today!